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SeGEC missions



The General Secretariat of Catholic Education (SeGEC) in French and German-speaking Communities of Belgium aims to help educational authorities and the educational institutions they federate to fulfill their functional service public mission regarding education and teaching, according to the educational project of the Catholic Education.


The SeGEC is recognized by the authorities as the coordinating and representative body of the educational authorities of Catholic Education and is organized as a non-profit association.


The institution constructs its objectives around three major axes:


  •  Organization and promotion of the specific project of the Catholic Education
    The SeGEC coordinates the reflexion on the meaning of this educational project and assists the organizing authorities in the search for coherence between the educational project of Catholic Education, every school’s project and the daily action.

  • Representation
    The SeGEC is the spokesperson of/ advocates for the 800 organizing authorities of the denominational education. It represents the organizing authorities in negociations with the government and the different parties; takes part in the consultations between the government of the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles and all coordinating and representative bodies; ; represents its member in the non-profit sector.

  • Organisation of services
    The SeGEC provides services of educational and administrative coordination and services of the education offer. It offers, inter alia, an analysis of legal and regulatory provisions as well as a range of tools to help their implementation, regular publications, information and training sessions. The SeGEC also offers school leaders help regarding financial and building management.


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